About the Amiens History Association
Who is the Amiens History Association?

The Amiens History Association Inc. is a volunteer based group in Queensland made up of historical enthusiasts, who have an interest in creating and developing the Amiens Legacy Centre. Initially the focus of the group was the preservation of the memory of the settlers who participated in the Pikedale Soldier Settlement Scheme in SE Qld following WWI. Over time, this has expanded to include the wider Amiens community and now incorporates the area's inhabitants from the First Nation Kambuwal People right up to today. Pastoralists, Miners and other settlers and immigrants are now also an integral part of the Amiens Legacy Centre's focus.
The name, Amiens Legacy Centre, embodies the definition of 'legacy' that reads something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time. The Amiens Legacy Centre is situated on what became the hub of the soldier settler community, the Amiens rail terminus. It is the aim of the Amiens History Association to reinstate this site as a focal point for the village of Amiens today and to tell the story of Amiens from pre-European settlement up to the present day.

The primary objects of the Amiens History Association are:
To undertake research, promotion, education, sporting, and other activities relevant to Amiens and/or the Pikedale Soldiers' settlement in conjunction with the relevant authorities.
To raise funds to support these activities.
To undertake projects, including events and sporting activities that promote a greater interaction between the association and the community.
To effectively liaise with external stakeholder groups who are responsible for,
have an interest in, or are affected by, Amiens and the Pikedale Soldiers' Settlement.
To encourage membership of the association and operate as a financially viable and professional organisation.
To assist with the care, maintenance and/or preservation of historical buildings in accordance with Burra Charter principles.

The Amiens History Association became an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 in May 2014.
Our incorporation number is IA 41982.
Our ABN number is 37 781 294 655.
The Amiens History Association is not registered for GST.
Settlement News

The Settlement News is a quarterly publication full of stories about different aspects of the Amiens Legacy Centre and information about upcoming events, AHA plans and ALC working bees.
Current and past copies of the publication are available to read in the Prince's Carriage.
To obtain a copy you need to become a member of AHA.