Granite Belt memorials

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Granite Belt memorials
Below is information about each the memorials on the Southern Downs where commemorative ceremonies take place. Each village that makes up the Granite Belt commemorates its fallen in its own special way.

Soldier's Memorial - Lock St, Stanthorpe
A white cottage-like pavilion, nestled in a rocky park, provides visitors with a chance to take in the panorama of Stanthorpe and remember the legacy left by men from this area in WWI.
Soldier hero Major General Sir William Glasgow officially opened this soldiers' memorial on 6 February 1926.
Slatted bench seating inside provides a place to ponder the impact a war on the other side of the world had on this farming community. Five WWI honour boards record the names in alphabetical order, without rank or honour, all are revered equally. Another is reserved for those who died, raised letters stating: 'To the memory of our gallant boys who fell in the world's war 1914-1919'. Further honour boards have been added, remembering later conflicts.

Ballandean Pyramid
The Ballandean Pyramid is a man-made stone pyramid near the small village of Ballandean, Queensland, Australia. The pyramid is approximately 15 metres in height and built from local granite rocks. Usually it is not open to the public as it is on private property belonging to a local vineyard (Henty Estate) and is approximately 25 metres from the nearest road.
Now on ANZAC Day each year, a commemoration ceremony is held at sunset where a lone soldier stands atop the peak of the pyramid holding an Australian flag.
Photo credit: Shane Andersen Photography

Stanthorpe Cemetery
In conjunction with the Stanthorpe RSL, the Stanthorpe Cemetery houses an gazebo that serves as a seat of remembrance for the fallen.

Amiens memorial
A tribute to the fallen, as well as a tribute to the soldiers who returned and took part in the Pikedale Soldier Settlement Scheme, sits at the corner of Amiens Rd and Post Office La. This memorial is used by children from the Amiens State School at commemoration ceremonies.

Pozieres State School memorial
A tribute to the fallen sits in the grounds of the Pozieres State School, Pozieres School Rd, Pozieres, and is used at commemoration ceremonies involving the school children.

Liston war memorial
In 2013 the Liston war memorial underwent refurbishment which was completed in time for the ANZAC day service that year. The Liston War Memorial Trust committee ensures the memorial is well looked after to serve the Liston community and commemorate their fallen.
Photo: Mark Rees laying a wreath at the 2013 ANZAC Day service at the Liston war memorial.
Photo credit: Ella Archibald-Binge, Stanthorpe Border Post

Applethorpe memorial park
This park in Ann St, Applethorpe, Qld, is dedicated to all those from the Applethorpe district who served in defence of our nation. Lest we forget. This memorial is also used by the Applethorpe community at commemoration ceremonies.

Australian War Memorial - Places of pride
Places of Pride, the National Register of War Memorials, is an Australian War Memorial initiative to record the location and photos of every war memorial across the country.