The Soldier Settler story
Below you will find information relating to the 700 soldier settlers that settled in the Amiens area as part of the Pikedale Soldier Settlement Scheme.
Pikedale Soldier Settlement Scheme
Public pressure in 1916 resulted in the allocation of £100 000 for the Pikedale Soldier Settlement Scheme. 17 400 acres were set aside in Cottonvale, Fleurbaix, Pozieres, Bullecourt, Passchendaele, Bapaume, Messines and Amiens for returned servicemen. The government supplied training at the Settlement Experimental Farm as well as administrative offices, a post office, school, store, bakery, butcher, sawmill, cannery and sauce factory, all in the village of Amiens. The government farm was planted with deciduous fruits, vegetables, potatoes and maize and included bee keeping, pig and poultry raising.
Settlers received a government loan of £650 for land, clearing costs, horse and cart, tools, housing and farm establishment costs. The first Bush Nurse was located at Amiens. Churches, a Druid’s Hall, Memorial Hall, library, green grocer, hairdresser, tin smith, plumber, pie shop and haberdashery soon followed.
Approximately 700 soldiers and their families established the Pikedale Soldier Settlement Scheme upon their return from WWI in 1919. By 1922 the numbers of families on the settlement had decreased somewhat.
Click on these links to learn more about Soldier Settlement on the Granite Belt and related research:
Soldier Settlements on the Granite Belt - Digital story.
Soldiers Settled on the Land - Article by Robert MacMaurice
Soldier Settlement - National Museum of Australia
Kyoomba Sanatorium - Military Hospital - website with many links to Pikedale Soldier Settlers
The image above depicts the Soldier Settler story storyboard found outside Amiens State School on the corner of Amiens Rd and Post Office Lane, Amiens.

In 2009, as a tribute to those families who were present in 1922, the Harslett family sought permission to erect a memorial in Amiens just west of the Amiens State School.
On the vertical pieces of granite were placed brass plaques listing the family names of soldiers and other people on settlement blocks in 1922. Left: A-K, Right: L-Z.
Click on an image to activate the magnifier so you can read the names.
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